Taft University is a world renowned correspondence institute, which has the country's finest Constitutional attorney, Orly Taitz, among its illustrious alumni. Ms. Taitz, with the encouragement of Mr. Limbaugh, is currently on track to expose President Obama as a native of Ruritania, having been born in the capital city of Carotid.
Mr. Limbaugh's major is in Outer Space Physics, with a minor in Snow Flake Geometry. Mr. Limbaugh said he hopes to put his degree to good use, by slandering anyone who is not a white reactionary, and then hiding behind the 1st Amendment when the subject points out that what Limbaugh said is made from whole cloth.
Mr. Limbaugh cited as an example his statement that President Obama does not have a valid birth certificate, is protected free speech. Specifically, Mr. Limbaugh stated on his radio show "What do Obama and God have in common? Neither has a birth certificate."
What do Rush Limbaugh and a horse have in common? They both have a huge asshole. And it's protected free speech to point out that Rush Limbaugh is a junkie, and a world class hypocrite. What's the difference between Rush Limbaugh and a reptile? One is hatched from eggs, eats insects, and sleeps under a rock. The other is a reptile.
And that's protected by the 1st Amendment.
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